Zalul (“clear” in Hebrew) is an environmental organization with the goal of protecting Israel's seas and streams. The association was founded as a response to remove the fish-farming cages that were contaminating the Gulf of Eilat and affecting the Red Sea’s rare coral reef.
Since then, Zalul has become the leading environmental NGO, dedicated to the protection of the seas and rivers of Israel.
Zalul plays a large role on the ground, from reporting instances of environmental neglect and organizing beach cleanups, to participating in protests and demonstrations. Zalul continues to raise environmental consciousness among the public and policymakers regarding the importance of a clean environment. Zalul also conducts environmental studies, writes and proposes legislation, and works with a legal consultant on environmental lawsuits.
Zalul seeks to work for everyone with the belief that every person, regardless of sex, religion, or nationality, has a right to a clean and healthy environment, and clean and healthy seas. Zalul works to help as many people and communities as possible, including city residents, agricultural settlements, Arab communities and more.
The Zalul team includes environmental experts, economists, scientists, lawyers, public relations personnel, volunteers, and more. Zalul is supported by various sources, including individuals from Israel and abroad, private foundations, and especially the Kahn Family Foundation. However, Zalul refuses to accept donations from government agencies in order to preserve its independence and uncompromising commitment to environmental protection.
Significant achievements over the years
The polluting fish cages in the Gulf of Eilat-Akaba have been removed, saving the coral reef; the Dan region wastewater treatment plant (Shafdan) has stopped discharging 5.6 million tons of contaminated sludge into the Mediterranean sea every year; the State has invested approx. $10 Billion in stopping pollution of the streams and the sea by building wastewater treatment facilities; the Ban the Plastic Bags Law has been passed; and the Ammonia reservoir that endangered the lives of the residents of the north has been shut down for good.
Stopping sludge Spill To The Sea
Removing The Fish Cages of Eilat-Aqab Golf
Closing The Ammonia Reservoir
Saving the streams from pollution

"Stopping "Chevron
Zalul Environmental Association and Alistair International appealed to the Petroleum Council not to allow Chevron Petroleum, which plans to acquire Noble Energy, to enter the Israeli energy market, and mentioned major environmental disasters for which it was responsible